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RISLI seeking new Board Members

The Regulatory Centre  for Irish Sign Language Interpreters Ireland CLG is seeking expressions of interests for  membership of the Board. The company was set up for the purpose of maintaining the Register of Irish Sign Language Interpreters (RISLI).  The company operates under the business name RISLI.


The Irish Sign Language Act (2017) outlines the requirements for courts and public bodies to use interpreters whose qualifications are verified by the RISLI. The register is a standards-based registration system for Irish Sign Language (ISL) Interpreters, which includes specific criteria for registration and quality assurance. RISLI is funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board (CIB) which lies under the aegis of the Department of Social Protection

The company has a Board of Directors. This board is tasked with the governance of the company including financial controls and compliance. The company is seeking at least three additional board members.

A separate Registration Panel deals with all matters in relation to registration. This includes setting and maintaining registration standards, registering interpreters, RISLI policies and complaints.

Board Members
RISLI is seeking expressions of interest from individuals, who have the appropriate skills, experience and capacity. The Board are seeking individuals with particular experience in:

  • Governance
  • Human Resources
  • Finance
  • Regulating a profession
  • Public Sector
  • Quality Assurance
  • Deaf Community

Board Duties

  • Financial control and accountability
  • Staff recruitment, leadership, support and supervision
  • Compliance with legal responsibilities
  • Compliance with the organisation’s Memorandum and Articles of Association and all requirements of the Companies Registration Office
  • Ensuring compliance with the Service Level Agreement with the Citizens Information Board
  • Meetings will take place as necessary. The Board meets approximatley 6 times a year.  The Board may have an additional 1 or 2 ad hoc meetings as required.
  • As a voluntary Board no fees will be paid to Board members, however, travel and subsistence expenses will be paid when applicable.
  • Appointments are initially for a term of three years, which can be renewed.

If you believe you have the appropriate experience and skills, this is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of a new professional registration and quality assurance scheme for ISL interpreters.

Application Process

Application Forms should be forwarded by email to  as an initial first step in the application process.

The Board will consider and assess the applications received. This will be based on a review of applicant’s documentation received.

You can download the following:

Closing date for receipt of applications is Monday 20thFebruary 5pm.

For details on how your personal data will be used see our

Irish Sign Language Video of Application Form

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