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Call for Expressions of Interest

Register of Irish Sign Language Interpreters is seeking expressions of interest from appropriate individuals, to join its Registration Panel.

RISLI is seeking expressions of interest from individuals, who have the appropriate skills, experience and capacity, in governance, the Deaf community, interpreting, finance, training, compliance in community and voluntary organisations/charities, legal and strategy development.

The Panel consists of 7 members who serve on a voluntary basis. The Registration Panel is seeking an additional three members. It is intended the additional members will include:

  • One member with experience in the establishment and/or operation of an established Register
  • One Deaf expert in interpreting and the Deaf Community
  • One member with expertise in law/governance

Panel Duties

  • The Panel will develop and operate a national registration and quality assurance scheme for ISL Interpreters in Ireland.   
  • Meetings will take place as necessary. Panel meetings are currently held monthly.
  • As a voluntary Panel no fees will be paid to Panel members, however, travel and subsistence expenses will be paid when applicable.
  • Appointments are initially for a term of three years, which can be renewed.

If you believe you have the appropriate experience and skills, this is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of a new professional registration and quality assurance scheme for ISL interpreters, including Deaf interpreters.

Application Process

Application Forms should be forwarded by email to RISLI at  as an initial first step in the application process.

A Selection Committee will consider and assess the expressions of interest received and will be based on a review of applicant’s documentation received.

Closing date for receipt of applications is 2pm Wednesday 5th May 2021

You can also download the following documents from the Activelink website.

Expression of Interest Advertisement

Application Form

Registration Structure & Governance

Registration Panel Membership & Operation

Registration Panel Code of Conduct

For details on how your personal data will be used as part of this process our Data Protection Notice for job applicants is available at:

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